discourse catharsis

fandom/fiction discourse only
aka basically my stance is: don't harass people over cartoons
adult (of the minor-coded variety, aka I'm in my 20s but I'm always mistaken for a teenager because I'm short and baby-faced) (also psst "minor-coded" is a joke, I'm making fun of when people call short and/or young-looking adult characters "minor-coded")
Info & faq
I keep this twitter as sfw as possible. I won’t rt nsfw fanart for the hell of it, for instance. But nsfw fanart may come up (via description or at least censored) if it is the subject of current fandom drama.
That said, there will be nsfw language/words that come up in discussions sometimes about sexual content in fiction, etc. so be mindful of that. I still try to keep it as PG-13 as possible (as 13 is the age to use twitter) and won’t tweet extremely vulgar language.
I try to stay sfw because I'm aware that minors follow my account. While I don't encourage minors to get involved in discourse because I think they should just focus on having fun in fandom, I know fandom discourse still affects them (with losing friends, being scared to like certain ships or characters, etc) and I don't want to exclude them from staying aware of things.
If I rt anything needing a specific type of warning, I'll post a cw/tw somehow, such as in a quote-retweet.
If you need something specifically tagged, feel free to let me know and I’ll make a note of it.
If you ever want to know a username in a screenshot I censored, either for reporting/blocking purposes or to follow/support someone, DM me. If I send DMs to people I don't follow, twitter locks my account features because I refuse to verify this account with a phone number.
If I rt from someone who is racist, homophobic, ableist, or just otherwise a terrible person, etc. please send me a DM about it with a link to or description of the rt in question.
Sometimes I'll rt non-fandom discourse stuff too like current events, silly tweets, fanart in general, etc.
My account is about fandom discourse ONLY. Discourse involving fandom and fiction/fictional characters, or occasionally art/artistic expression in general.
The only non-fandom related discourse that I will tweet or retweet about are posts regarding politics, current events, social issues, etc. since I have a large platform and want to help spread important information, but that's it.
No “MAP discourse." That subject matter makes me highly uncomfortable and I don’t want to talk about it. Please respect this. I will ignore you if you bring it up and will delete messages about it and will block you if you persist.
“MAP discourse” and talking about MAPs/pedos on twitter/tumblr/social media/etc. is an entirely different topic to me because they are attracted to real life children. That is a real world issue and concern. That is no longer fiction/fandom. As such, I will NOT discuss it.
Do NOT derail my threads or tweets and make it about "MAPs" or “nomaps” or the “MAP community” online or any of that. If you follow me and derail after being told not to, I will block you. If a non-follower in the replies derails and you feel the need to argue with them about it, don't. DM them if you must or qrt them to start a new discussion on your own account, but I really want to prevent this topic from coming up in the replies of my threads.
This also goes towards any other discussions and "discourse" involving similar things in real life: irl incest, irl bestiality, etc.
I only support taboo things in the realm and context of fiction and fiction only. I do NOT condone these things in real life. That shouldn't have to be said but I will say it just to be clear.
"Why am I blocked/can you unblock me?"
I use blockchain and you probably got caught up in it. Send me an anon somewhere or ask a friend to DM me and I may unblock you.Probably and may though. I mostly use block chain on fandom police who are harassing people or otherwise being cruel and rude. I sometimes purposely block non-fandom police though too. If I see someone in the replies of a tweet being racist, homophobic, transphobic, abusive, etc. or just generally being rude and insensitive to others (using slurs, mocking someone's art style or their physical appearance, replying to people with nsfw/porn fanart, etc), I may block that person, especially if they follow my account. I want to prevent people like that from being in my mentions since I don't condone that behavior. Please respect my decision if I choose to keep you blocked.
When are you available online?
I've been trying to take more hiatuses and breaks from discoursing. I'm limiting myself to only checking on my discourse account once or twice a week. As such, since I will be less active, I won't be as responsive to DMs, mentions, etc. as I have been in the past. I'm sorry if it seems as though I'm ignoring you, but this is for my own mental health. I'm burnt out and need breaks. Thank you for understanding. <3
Contact info
My Twitter DMs are usually open and I try to reply to everyone who messages me, but please be patient and please don't take offense if I leave you on "read." I get a lot of messages and I'm one person and sometimes I'm not always in the mood for discussing certain topics.
I am very behind on checking DMs (most go to my message "request" section of my Twitter inbox) and I apologize but feasibly I just cannot physically or mentally keep up with every message anymore. I'm very sorry if I never respond to your DM.
When I'm on a hiatus, my Twitter DMs will be closed.
If you want to send me a message on anon, you can do so on tumblr or curious cat. However as my follower count has increased, my anon messages have gotten to be too much and I can't keep up anymore. Tumblr is better than curious cat for anons. But I may not see it or it may take me a long while to post it. As for curious cat, tbh I've pretty much abandoned that because the notifications got too overwhelming. You're still welcome to send anons though as a means to anonymously vent.
Lastly, before you send me an anon or a DM, please read this list of FAQs and check this carrd throughly, as well as my pinned tweet thread, and see if your question has been answered before.
Links to my accounts
youtube (I make videos sometimes)
Discord? No.
My ships and squicks
Most of my ships are actually pretty wholesome and I really love fluff. My favorite trope is childhood friends to lovers.
I'm a multishipper in my fandoms. While I have my few OTPs, I'm cool with most ships. Even if I don't personally ship them, I'll rt fanart of them if I enjoy the art enough. There are only a few ships that I consider to be NOTPs. If I don't actively ship something, I'm mostly just indifferent to it.
The most Problematique trope that I like is probably twincest, but strangely enough, other incest ships make me very uncomfortable (especially incest ships of Disney siblings, those are my biggest NOTPs).
I still have lots of other squicks though and dislike most standard "problematic" ship dynamics. Darker content and dark tropes make me uncomfortable as well. I dislike loli/shota and nsfw content with very young characters (my threshold regarding nsfw of underage characters is teenage/high school age, anything younger than that personally squicks me out).
I bring this up to make the point that enjoyment of fiction is very complicated and weird and not cookie-cutter. I like some problematic fictional things (a couple twincest ships) but I dislike other problematic fictional things (other incest ships, loli/shota, dark tropes, etc). This is a very common with a lot of people, where they enjoy some tropes but not others.
Regardless, I acknowledge that people have their reasons for creating/consuming certain fictional content, and so long as they know the tropes would be harmful if they were in real life, and so long as they tag stuff, it's none of my business and I can mute key terms and block users, and I wish more people in fandom would do the same.
I’m going to be taking an indefinite hiatus from this account.I initially got involved in fandom “discourse” because I wanted to complain about self-named anti-Otayuris spamming the ship tag and generally being annoying and harassing shippers who were minding their own business. So I made a side account on Tumblr to vent about that. There were other accounts talking about these recent developments in fandom too, and I wanted an account to interact with them on. People started reblogging my posts, and others started to share their experiences of being harassed over ships or fanart or fanfic in their fandoms too in my replies and inbox. I made a Twitter account at some point also. I always just wanted a place to vent with others. I never imagined or expected that my accounts would garner this much attention or would blow up to the level that they’re at now.As a result, honestly, as my follower numbers have grown and as I’ve gotten more involved in fandom discourse, it’s made me more and more anxious. This account has been making me feel like a nervous wreck the past year or so.I also just don't have the spoons for much of it anymore. Some days, discourse makes me feel stressed or anxious. Most days, I'm apathetic to it, like it's the same old recycled nonsense. I've done this for a long while now and I feel like I need a nice, long break from it, probably a permanent break.I believe that the topics involved in fandom discourse, the issue of fantis harassing people and making fandom toxic, etc. are still important to talk about and bring awareness to. But at the same time, I feel like I've done and said all that I can, and I'm feeling burnt out. I’m also feeling like I’m repeating myself at this point. There are only so many times that I can say some variation of “don’t harass people over fanart or fanfic, block artists/writers and leave them alone.” And I know many others are saying this as well. The harassers in fandom definitely do seem like a majority with how loud they are and how they so often get away with what they do. And while it may not seem like it, I do believe that more and more people in fandom are fed up with the harassment and starting to push back, starting to voice their annoyance with fandom harassers, and starting to stand up against it and support each other.There are definitely more topics related to fandom discourse too, beyond this, of course. Some very serious and important topics to discuss, such as when there is bigotry in fandom spaces. Genuine criticism of various media (minus the harassment) is always good and healthy to have too. And I hope people will continue to talk about these topics and have these meaningful discussions.I will no longer be active on Twitter or Tumblr, but I may continue making videos on my Youtube channel. I don’t make videos often but I’ve been enjoying it, and I think it’s a better outlet for me to focus my energy on. Creating videos on these topics at my own pace is definitely less stressful than being an active participant on Twitter.My Twitter DMs will remain closed to new messages, just so if/when I do return, I won’t have a ton of new DMs. But I will leave my Tumblr inbox and curiouscat open for anonymous venting if you need it! Anonymous venting is one reason why I initially made my tumblr account after all, so I want to leave it like that.I’ve kind of been using my second Twitter account (catharsiscourse) as a makeshift personal account, so if you would like to keep in touch with me, you can follow me there! I’ll only be somewhat active there but that’s where I retweet fanart and such.You can find links to all of these accounts in my carrd which is linked in my bio. (link to accounts can be found here as well)Lastly, thank you all so much for the support over the years. I know I’m not perfect and I’ve made some mistakes. My intentions have always been good but I know I would sometimes get caught up in the discourse and miss the mark. So if I’ve ever hurt you in any way or said or did anything wrong, I’m sorry. My goal has always been to vent about and bring awareness to the toxicity that’s been rearing its ugly head in fandom spaces as of late. And even though I’ve messed up at times, I hope I brought more good than bad to the table.I know fandom’s been a bit hellish to navigate lately and things seem grim at times. But if we keep speaking up like we have been and continue supporting each other and keeping to our groups of trusted fandom friends, I think we’ll be okay.Remember to be kind and support your friends in fandom. Take care, everyone 🤍